Publicity and Press Releases
SPACECAST is described in the BAS internal publication, Icesheet,
March-April, 2011.
Press releases
New risk index for satellite operators,
7 February 2014.
Press release issued on
1 March 2012, reported on
by more than 40 online press links and resulting in 3 requests to write
additional news articles.
Press release issued for the start of the project
(28 March 2011),
picked up by 5 media outlets including the Register Online and EurekAlert!
Forecasting solar storms, 18 September 2012.
Richard Horne gave a radio interview for the BBC World Service on space
weather and SPACECAST on 28th March 2011. A podcast recorded while
Richard was at a meeting in Rome can be found
N.P. Meredith,
Acceleration and loss of relativistic electrons in the Earth's outer
radiation belt, invited talk, Jim Dungey's 90th Birthday Scientific
Meeting, The Geological Society, London, 10th January 2013
N.P. Meredith,
R.B. Horne, A. Sicard-Piet, D. Boscher, K.H. Yearby, W.Li, and R.M. Thorne,
Global Model of Lower Band and Upper B and Chorus from Multiple Satellite Observations,
Fall AGU, San Francisco, 3–7 December 2012
R.B. Horne, presented by
N.P. Meredith, Forecasting the High Energy Electron Radiation Belts
Using Physics Based Models,
invited talk, Fall AGU, San Francisco, 3–7 December 2012
D. Heynderickx,
R.B. Horne, N.P. Meredith, S.A. Glauert, D. Boscher, A. Sicard-Piet, V. Maget,
N. Ganushkina, O. Amariutei, H. Koskinen, R. Vainio, A. Afanasiev,
S. Poedts, C. Jacobs, B. Sanahuja, A. Aran, D. Pitchford,
Forecasting High Energy Electron Fluxes at GEO: A New Service From the EU FP7 Project SPACECAST,
COSPAR Assembly 12, Mysore, India, 16 July 2012.
N.Yu. Ganushkina,
O.A. Amariutei, Y.Y. Shprits and M.W. Liemohn,
Transport of the plasma sheet electrons to the geostationary distances,
2012 GEM Workshop, 17–22 June 2012, Snowmass, CO, USA
N.Yu. Ganushkina,
How important is to include self-consistent magnetic field in inner magnetosphere modeling,
2012 GEM Workshop, 17–22 June 2012, Snowmass, CO, USA
N.Yu. Ganushkina,
Inner Magnetosphere Modelling: Dependence on the Boundary Conditions in the Plasma Sheet,
2012 GEM Workshop, 17–22 June 2012, Snowmass, CO, USA
N.P. Meredith et al.,
Global Model of Whistler Mode Chorus from Multiple Satellite Observations,
IMC2 Workshop, UCLA, 19–22 March, 2012.
N.Yu. Ganushkina,
IMPTAM: Seed population electrons during November 6-7, 1997 storm,
2011 Joint CEDAR-GEM Workshop, 26 June–01 July 2011, Santa Fe, NM, USA
N.Yu. Ganushkina and M. Liemohn,
IMPTAM: Dst calculated in ring current modeling:
Two methods, DPS and Biot-Savart integration,
2011 Joint CEDAR-GEM Workshop, 26 June–01 July 2011, Santa Fe, NM, USA
N.Yu. Ganushkina,
IMPTAM: Including self-consistent magnetic field in ring current modeling,
2011 Joint CEDAR-GEM Workshop, 26 June–01 July 2011, Santa Fe, NM, USA
N.P. Meredith,
CRRES Plasma Wave Observations,
AGU Chapman Conference, St John’s, Newfoundland, 17–22 July, 2011
Richard Horne, Introducing SPACECAST
Research Papers
Horne, R.B., N.P. Meredith, S.A. Glauert and T. Kersten, Wave Driven
Diffusion in Radiation Belt Dynamics, book chapter, submitted, 2014.
Glauert, S.A., R.B. Horne, and N.P. Meredith, Simulating the Earth's
radiation belts: internal acceleration and continuous losses to the
magnetopause, J. Geophys. Res., submitted, 2014.
Pomoell, J., A. Aran, C. Jacobs, R. Rodriguez-Gasén, S. Poedts,
and B. Sanahuja, Modelling solar proton events: extracting the
characteristics of the MHD shock front at the cobpoint, J. Space Weather
and Space Climate, submitted, 2014.
Meredith, N.P., R.B. Horne, T. Kersten, B.J. Fraser and R.S. Grew,
Global morphology and spectral properties of EMIC waves derived from
CRRES observations, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 119, 2014;
Sicard-Piet, A., D. Boscher, R.B. Horne, N.P. Meredith and V. Maget,
Effect of plasma density on diffusion rates due to wave particle
interactions with chorus 1 and plasmaspheric hiss: Extreme event
analysis, Ann. Geophys., 32, 1059–1071, 2014;
Rodríguez-Gasén, R., A. Aran, B. Sanahuja, C. Jacobs, S. Poedts,
Variation of proton flux profiles with the observer's latitude in
simulated gradual SEP events, Solar Physics, 289 (5), 1745–1762,
2014; doi:10.1007/s11207-013-0442-1
Vainio, R., A. Pönni, M. Battarbee, H.E.J. Koskinen, A. Afanasiev, and
T. Laitinen, A semi-analytical foreshock model for energetic storm
particle events inside 1 AU, J. Space Weather and Space Climate, 4, AO8,
2014; doi:10.1051/swsc/2014005
Zuccarello, F.P., D.B. Seaton, M. Mierla, S. Poedts, L.A. Rachmeler,
P. Romano, F. Zuccarello, Observational evidence of torus instability as
trigger mechanism for coronal mass ejections: the 2011 August 4 filament
eruption, Astrophys. J., in press, 2014;
Lazar, M., S. Poedts, R. Schlickeiser, D. Ibscher, The Electron Firehose
and Ordinary-Mode Instabilities in Space Plasmas, Solar Physics,
289 (1), 369–378;
Ganushkina, N. Y., M. W. Liemohn, O. A. Amariutei, and D. Pitchford,
Low-energy electrons (5–50 keV) in the inner magnetosphere,
J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 119, 2014;
Glauert, S. A., R. B. Horne, and N. P. Meredith, Three-dimensional
electron radiation belt simulations using the BAS Radiation Belt Model
with new diffusion models for chorus, plasmaspheric hiss, and
lightning-generated whistlers, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 119, 2014;
Meredith, N. P., R. B. Horne, W. Li, R. M. Thorne, and A. Sicard-Piet
Global model of low-frequency chorus (fLHR<f<0.1fce) from multiple
satellite observations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 2014;
Pagano, P., D.H. Mackay, S. Poedts: Effect of gravitational
stratification on the propagation of a CME, Astron. Astrophys., 560, A38,
2013; doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201322036
Pagano, P., D.H. Mackay, S. Poedts, MHD simulations of the ejection of a
magnetic flux rope, Astron. Astrophys., 554, A77, 2013;
Selwa, M., S. Poedts, and R.C. DeVore, Numerical simulations of
dome-shaped EUV waves from different active-region configurations, Solar
Physics, 284, 515–539, 2013;
Lazar M., S. Poedts, M. Michno, The electromagnetic electron
whistler-cyclotron instability in bi-Kappa distributed plasmas,
Astron. Astrophys., 554, A64, 2013;
Lazar, M., S. Poedts, Instability of the parallel electromagnetic modes
in Kappa distributed plasmas. II. Electromagnetic ion-cyclotron modes,
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 2013;
Lejosne, S., D. Boscher, V. Maget, and G. Rolland, Deriving
electromagnetic radial diffusion coefficients of radiation belt
equatorial particles for different levels of magnetic activity based on
magnetic field measurements at geostationary orbit, J. Geophys. Res.
Space Physics, 118, 3147–3156, 2013;
Ganushkina, N. Y., O. A. Amariutei, Y. Y. Shprits, and M. W. Liemohn,
Transport of the plasma sheet electrons to the geostationary distances,
J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 118, 82–98, 2013;
Chané, E., J. Saur, S. Poedts, Modeling Jupiter's magnetosphere:
Influence of the internal sources, J. Geophys. Res., 118 (5),
2157–2172, 2013;
Horne, R. B., T. Kersten, S. A. Glauert, N. P. Meredith, D. Boscher,
A. Sicard-Piet, R. M. Thorne, and W. Li, A new diffusion matrix for
whistler mode chorus waves, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 118,
6302–6318, 2013;
Horne, R. B., S. A. Glauert, N. P. Meredith, H. Koskinen, R. Vainio,
A. Afanasiev, N. Y. Ganushkina, O. A. Amariutei, D. Boscher, A. Sicard,
V. Maget, S. Poedts, C. Jacobs, B. Sanahuja, A. Aran, D. Heynderickx and
D. Pitchford, Forecasting the Earth's radiation belts and modelling
solar energetic particle events: Recent results from SPACECAST, J.
Space Weather and Space Clim., 3, 2013;
Meredith, N.P., R.B. Horne, J. Bortnik, R.M. Thorne, L. Chen, W. Li, and
A. Sicard-Piet, Global statistical evidence for chorus as the embryonic
source of plasmaspheric hiss, Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, 2013;
R.B. Horne, S.A. Glauert, N.P. Meredith, D. Boscher, V. Maget,
D. Heynderickx, and D. Pitchford,
Space weather impacts on satellites and forecasting the Earth’s electron radiation belts
with SPACECAST, Space Weather, 11, 1–18, 2013;
F.P. Zuccarello, Z. Meliani and S. Poedts,
Numerical Modeling of the Initiation of Coronal Mass Ejections in
Active Region NOAA 9415, Ap. J., 758:117, 2012;
Meredith, N. P., R. B. Horne, A. Sicard-Piet, D. Boscher, K. H. Yearby,
W. Li, and R. M. Thorne (2012), Global model of lower band and upper
band chorus from multiple satellite observations, J. Geophys. Res., 117,
Horne, R.B., Forecasting the radiation belts in Europe, Space Weather,
10, S08006, 2012; doi:10.1029/2011JA017202
O.A. Amariutei1 and N.Yu. Ganushkina, On the prediction of the auroral westward electrojet index,
Ann. Geophys., 30, 841–847, 2012;
N.Yu. Ganushkina, M.W. Liemohn, and T.I. Pulkkinen, Storm-time ring current: model-dependent results,
Ann. Geophys., 30, 177–202, 2012;
Last update: 5 September 2014